🕹ī¸Game worlds

Game worlds are Virtual worlds powered by Interality' Webgl multiplayer architecture built on unity game engine.

we've harnessed the power of Unity and WebGL to create seamless multiplayer experiences that run directly in web browsers. Our architecture is versatile, offering real-time multiplayer capabilities for gaming, training simulations, and virtual events. With security and customization as top priorities

We Build our Webgl multiplayer technology on top of photon networking system.

With the power of Unity game engine we can achieve the best graphics quality possible on WebGl.

Let's see our core functionalities/features of our Webgl Multiplayer architecture:

  1. Custom Avatar: Our custom avatar system leverages the Ready Player Me SDK, an advanced toolset that empowers us to implement a highly customizable and immersive avatar creation feature within our virtual worlds and games. With this system, players have the flexibility to craft personalized avatars that truly reflect their individuality and preferences.

    Key features of our custom avatar system include:

    1. Detailed Customization: Users can fine-tune every aspect of their avatars, from facial features, hairstyles, and clothing to accessories, ensuring a level of personalization that fosters a deeper connection with their in-game representation.

    2. Image to avatar face : Users can create their avatar that looks identical to them using a simple image upload of there face.

    3. Dynamic Updates: As players' preferences change or evolve, they can easily update and modify their avatars at any time, ensuring their in-game persona remains in sync with their current style or preferences.

    4. Interactive Avatars: These avatars aren't just static representations; they can convey emotions, expressions, and even gestures, enhancing the depth of communication and interaction among players.

    5. Integration with Game Mechanics: Avatars created using the Ready Player Me SDK can be seamlessly integrated with the gameplay and mechanics of our games, adding a layer of personalization and immersion to the overall gaming experience.

    Our custom avatar system, powered by the Ready Player Me SDK, underscores our commitment to delivering a personalized, engaging, and visually appealing gaming and virtual world experience for all our users.

  2. Fast deployment: Our meticulously crafted proprietary software development kit (SDK) model for multiplayer architecture represents a finely honed toolset that empowers us to expedite the creation of expansive and intricately detailed multiplayer worlds with remarkable efficiency. By harnessing this SDK, we not only streamline the development process but also substantially compress project timelines. This technological advantage allows us to allocate more resources towards refining gameplay mechanics, enhancing graphics, and delivering a superior multiplayer experience to our users.

  3. Portability and compatibility With our Multiplayer WebGL architecture, the worlds and games we've crafted exhibit unparalleled versatility. These experiences seamlessly operate across all web browsers on computer devices, offering a truly universal accessibility. Moreover, our creations are effortlessly deployable as applications on both Android and iOS mobile devices, ensuring a captivating and consistent user experience across various platforms.

  4. Communication We offer a seamless in-space communication system featuring Global Room Chat and Private Chat capabilities within the scene. Our communication infrastructure extends beyond text-based interactions. it also includes spatial voice chat, allowing players to communicate privately within a defined range. This spatial voice chat functionality enhances the immersive experience, fostering real-time, location-based interactions among players.

  5. Cross platform Our games and virtual worlds prioritize seamless cross-platform accessibility, guaranteeing that players on laptops can seamlessly interact with those utilizing mobile devices. This exceptional versatility not only broadens our user base but also enriches the inclusivity and reach of our gaming and social experiences. Regardless of the device they choose, all players can effortlessly engage and enjoy our immersive virtual environments.

  6. Scalability We provide robust load balancing capabilities to efficiently distribute player traffic across multiple servers. As the player population grows, our system can automatically spawn new instances of game servers, dynamically balancing the load and ensuring optimal performance. It's worth noting that the number of players per scene or world is adaptable and dependent on the scale and requirements of that specific environment, allowing for scalability and resource allocation tailored to each scenario.

  7. Size By leveraging the capability of in-game downloads, we have successfully minimized the overall build size for both our web and mobile applications. Furthermore, we've meticulously engineered an optimization pipeline specifically tailored for our game assets. This strategic approach not only ensures a more efficient and streamlined user experience but also demonstrates our commitment to delivering high-performance gaming solutions.

  8. In-game features 1. AI Guide System:

    The guide system in our virtual world serves as a valuable tool to enhance user experiences, facilitate exploration, and provide assistance within the virtual environment. This system is designed to offer guidance, information, and support to users as they navigate through our immersive digital realms. Here are some key features and aspects of our guide system:

    1. Onboarding Assistance: For newcomers to our virtual world, the guide system provides an informative onboarding experience. New users can receive step-by-step guidance on how to navigate, interact, and make the most of their initial visit.

    2. In-Game Tutorials: Guides are integrated into the gameplay, offering contextual tutorials and tips as users encounter new challenges, quests, or mechanics. This helps players learn the ropes without feeling overwhelmed.

    3. Interactive NPC Guides: Non-playable character (NPC) guides are strategically placed throughout the virtual world. These NPCs can provide directions, answer questions, and offer valuable information about the world, its lore, and available activities.

    4. Interactive Conversations: Users can engage in interactive conversations with guides. These interactions are designed to be dynamic and responsive, allowing for natural and immersive communication.

    2. In world games/tasks: In our virtual world, we've integrated a variety of in-world mini-games and tasks designed to enhance engagement, encourage exploration, and offer rewards to players. These activities add depth and enjoyment to the overall gaming experience. 3. Interactable Objects

    Interactable objects are a fundamental aspect of immersive virtual worlds and games, providing players with the ability to engage with their environment and enhance the overall gaming experience. These objects are designed to be interactive, allowing players to perform various actions, such as playing music with speakers, sitting on a chair, or interacting with items in the game world.

    Types of Interactions:

    • Use and Manipulation: Players can interact with these objects through actions like clicking, tapping, or pressing a button, triggering a specific response from the object. For example, clicking on a door might make it open, or tapping on a jukebox may start playing music.

    • Animation and Movement: Some objects may have animations associated with them. For instance, players can sit on chairs, swing on swings, or turn wheels to operate machinery.

    • Contextual Actions: Depending on the context, players may have different interaction options with objects. For example, a ladder can be climbed, a lever can be pulled, or a book can be read.

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